We produce Encapsulated Transformer, High frequency switching transformer, Low frequency power transformer ,inductor and current transformer.
What Is an Inductor?
An inductor is a coil of wire or other magnetic material. The change in the current passing through it induces an emf, or electromotive force, that is proportional to the change in current. An inductor can be used to create voltage, as in an experiment where a lamp is inserted into a coil of wire and the lamp is switched on. The lamp will not light up if the inductor is not present, and it will light up normally if it is present.
An inductor can be modeled using an equation involving resistance and capacitance. The inductance of a real inductor is the ratio of the resistive (R) and capacitive (I) reactance. The inductive reactance equals the capacitive reactance at its self-resonant frequency (SRF). At this frequency, the inductive and capacitive phase angles cancel each other, reducing the overall impedance.
There are many ways to analyze the effect of inductors. For example, if you want to learn more about the inductive properties of a magnetic field, you should study the behavior of coupled inductors. Coupled inductors contain two cables woven around a single magnetic core. This setup results in a magnetic flux that is of the same polarity as the magnetic flux of the first inductor.
Inductors can be made of ferromagnetic materials. The iron oxide inductor, for example, is made of fine iron powder with insulating particles. This material can store large amounts of magnetic flux. Its permeability is low, which is ideal for switching power supplies. A ring-shaped toroidal inductor, on the other hand, has a ring-shaped core. Its magnetic field makes it a suitable candidate for switching power supplies and audio equipment.
Moreover, a multilayer inductor is made of alternating layers of ferrite or ceramic materials. It is not wound by winding, but rather screen-printed. It also contains a capacitor component inside. Inductors are widely used in a variety of applications, including transformers. This article explains some of the most common applications for inductors.
A common application for an inductor is tuning circuits. These circuits use inductors to select a desired frequency. Inductors are often used in combination with capacitors in various electronic devices. They provide a unique way to control the frequency of an electrical signal. Further, they can also be used in communication and computing.
An inductor has a large amount of inductance. Its inductance can be calculated using a formula that relates the magnetic flux of a wire to the current flowing through it. Another important parameter for measuring the inductor is the Q value. The higher the Q value, the lower the inductor's loss and the greater its efficiency.
The electrical circuit of two inductors can also be connected in a mutual way. Mutual inductance is the property of a coil to oppose a change in current in the other coil. This happens because the current passing through one coil creates a mutual e.m.f. in the other coil. Mutual inductance is measured as the flux-linkages of a coil per unit of current in the other coil. A common example of mutual inductance is 1 henry per unit of current flowing through two inductors connected in series.

UF series Variable Common Mode Choke Inductors
Motor drive and control / Hybrid Electric Vehicle/ driving assistance system

UF series Variable Common Mode Choke Inductors
Product parameters:
Ac power filter inductor can effectively control the common-mode
interference from switch power
High magnetic conductivity and inpedance by using ET magnetic core
UL 94 v-0
Complient with RoHS
Plastic materials meet UL 94 V-O requirements